
My name is Kelsey and I’m a 23 year-old with a full-time job in the publishing industry. Though I’m a book-lover, word-lover, and wanna-be author, I’m also a fitness enthusiast. That may be too light of wordage—I’m obsessed with fitness. I work out every day and love trying new workouts because my motto truly is “Beauty is strength and sweat.”

But, like most people, money is an issue and time can be too. That’s why I love quick-and-easy recipes that are good for one person (or others that make lots of stay-good leftovers) and workout DVDs. Because let’s face it, some mornings it’s too dark, too cold, and you just want to stay in and work out without anyone seeing you in all your early-morning glory.

That’s why I started this blog. I love workout DVDs but have a hard time finding ones that have variation (time-wise and move-combination-wise) and challenge me without getting old in a week.  I don’t want to spend the money to buy something that’s not going to make me sweat when that’s what I’m trying to do.

So my #1 priority is to review DVDs for you. I’ll talk about the instructor, each workout on the DVD (from the length, to the moves, to the speed, to the weights I use), and then give it my overall rating and opinion on if and why you should buy it.

What else I’ll be sharing on this blog:

  • Reviews of magazine routines featured in magazines like Fitness, Shape, Women’s Health, and Self (like “Tone Your Tush in 3 Weeks!”);
  • Links to fitness articles, websites, blogs, etc. that have good advice, new research, success stories, and anything else I think is interesting regarding fitness;
  • Workout gear and equipment that I use and find useful;
  • Recipes that look good and are healthy variations of common meals, without too many health-centric ingredients that tend to be expensive.

Please respond, comment, send me a message—I want to hear from you! I’m doing this for all the people (that means men, too!) who want to find the right kind of active, fitness-friendly lifestyle without breaking the bank. Let the games begin 🙂

  1. Ms. Scranton says:

    Hi Kelsey! Your sister sent me your site. I love it; so clever. You look great! How the heck are you? I need some more motivation. I do great on the weekends but by Tuesday I seem to slow down. Give me an update on where and what you are doing. I love reading your blog!

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